  • Languages: Typescript, Javascript, Java, HTML, CSS, C#, Python, C++.
  • Front end technologies: React, Apollo GraphQL, Next.js, Redux, Formik, styled-components, Storybook, Recharts, Tailwind CSS, Vite.
  • Back end technologies: Node.js, GraphQL, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, TypeORM.
  • CI/CD technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, GitHub workflows, Cloudflare, Vercel.
  • Tools: Arch Linux, VS Code, Docker, tmux, Postman, Obsidian, Jira, Wrike, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.
Bitlocus LT, UAB [full-time]
2019.03 - Present
Full-Stack Engineer
Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Developed and maintained webapp of cryptocurrency exchange using React.JS. It allowed thousands of users to manage and exchange their assets and make investments.
  • Developed and maintained GraphQL Node.Js service which made data from back end services structured and easily accessible by front end applications.
  • Ideated and created a design library using Storybook, Vite, GitHub workflows. This significantly decreased the designing time of new pages, made UI style consistent among all company products and improved the quality of UI components by making them easily testable.
  • Engineered live data feed by using ws, RabbitMQ and GraphQL. Live data feed greatly decreased server load and increased user satisfaction by making them see information changes instantly (as opposed to with polling delay).
  • Devised crypto arbitrage bot by using Node.JS and React which made 5-10% monthly profit.
  • Introduced multilanguage support using i18next which increased page accessibility.
  • Designed multi page forms using Formik for doing KYC, AML checks and accepting business proposals.
  • Updated and maintained CI/CD processes including Bitbucket pipelines, Docker and GKE configurations. This increased system stability and security, decreased build times and allowed adding of new features.
  • Planned multiple self-improvement initiatives, including monthly learning time, knowledge sharing and conference visits.
  • Promoted and helped implement Agile principles in our team such as daily stand-ups, sprints, planning and retro meetings.
Bentley Systems Europe [full-time]
2016.07 - 2016.09
ATP Developer
Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Developed automated tests for multiple in house solutions using C#.
  • Created parsers for test results to increase their readability and improve data collection process.
  • Updated pre-commit scripts to make development flow faster.
Vilnius University
2015 - 2019
Computer Software Engineering
  • Lithuanian [Native]
  • English [Professional]
  • Reading
  • Bouldering
  • Music
  • Board, social, deduction games
  • D&D
  • Coding
  • Chess
  • Pool
  • Pop quiz
  • Japanese language
  • Cocktails
  • Crafts